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Autism Therapy

Welcome to Making Waves Autism Center

Making Waves by Making Change

Making Waves Autism Center provides services and supports for individuals who have autism or other developmental disabilities. We provide ABA services and Making Waves is committed to providing the highest quality treatment within our reach to children diagnosed with autism or a related disorder. Our approach is one child at a time by individualizing each child's program to best meet their needs.

Making Waves Autism Center is led by a compassionate team of Board Certified Behavior Analysts striving daily to unlock the potential of children affected by ASD using one-on-one, intensive behavioral treatment plans in their natural environments. The one-on-one intensive behavioral treatment program is customized to meet the individual needs of each child and family served.

We believe that each child is unique and, therefore, it is important to create behavior programs based on the child’s strengths and needs.

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What is Autism?

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental condition involving persistent challenges with social communication, restricted interests, and repetitive behavior. While autism is considered a lifelong disorder, the degree of impairment in functioning because of these challenges varies between individuals with autism.

Child Activity


While there is no “cure” for Autism, there are several effective interventions that can improve a child’s functioning:

Applied Behavioral Analysis

This involves systematic study of the child’s functional challenges, which is used to create a structured behavioral plan for improving their adaptive skills and decreasing inappropriate behavior.

Social skills training: 

Done in group or individual settings, this intervention helps   children with autism improve their ability to navigate social situations

Parent management training:

Parents learn effective ways of responding to problematic behavior and encouraging appropriate behavior in their child. Parent support groups help parents cope with the stressors of raising a child with autism

Special education services:

Under an Individual Education Plan provided by their school, which accommodates for their social communication deficits, restricted interests, and repetitive behaviors, children with autism can achieve their fullest potential academically. This includes special day classes for very young children to address language, social, and life skills. 

Treating co-occurring conditions: 

Children with autism experience insomnia, anxiety, and depression more often than peers without autism. They also more often have ADHD. Children with autism may have intellectual disability and this needs to be addressed. The impact of these conditions can be reduced with the proper services, which include all of the above, in addition psychotherapy and/or medication treatment


A child psychiatrist can evaluate for co-morbid depression, anxiety, and impulsivity. If appropriate medications can be helpful. For example, autism-related irritability can be reduced by medications such as aripiprazole and risperidone (the two medications approved by the Food and Drug Administration for irritability associated with autism), prescribed judiciously by a knowledgeable clinician in collaboration with the child’s parents.

Several complementary and alternative interventions involving special diets and supplements have been tried over the years by parents/caregivers seeking ways to help their child with autism function better. To date compelling evidence has not been found to clearly recommend any such specific interventions. Research into these types of interventions continues, and parents/caregivers interested in them should discuss them with their child’s treating clinician.

First Steps

First Steps

Parents often tell us that their child doesn’t look at them, constantly says the same things over and over, avoids playing with other children, and doesn't like most foods. The signs and symptoms of autism spectrum disorder can be scary while making us feel alone and unsure of what steps to take. The first step is to understand that you’re not alone and that early intervention is essential.

According to the CDC, approximately 1 in 59 children are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder with boys four times more likely than girls. At Making Waves Autism Center we provide early intervention for learning, communication, and social skills.

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ABA Therapy

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is considered the standard treatment for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) that applies the principles of behavior.

ABA focuses on improving positive behaviors and eliminating negative behaviors in order to teach a variety of skills (communication, adaptive skills, feeding, toilet training).

ABA can help improve communication and daily living skills such as toileting or dressing, while also reducing problem behaviors such as self-injury or noncompliance.

Interventions using applied behavior analytic principles have long been established as effective approaches to increase appropriate behaviors and decrease problem behaviors for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD; National Autism Center, 2009; Wong et al.,2014).

Here at Making Waves Autism Center we specialize in ABA, which research has demonstrated is the most effective treatment for improving outcomes for children with ASD through comprehensive and intensive early intervention programs.

Our services will help bridge the gap between your child’s current functioning and that of their same age peers.

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What behaviors can ABA help with?

Communication Skills: language, social skills, conversation, reading and writing.

Daily Living Skills: toileting, dressing, fine motor skills, personal self-care, domestic skills.

Problem Behaviors: self-injury, noncompliance, aggressive behaviors, self-stimulatory behavior, property destruction.

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A – Antecedent (what happens before the behavior)
B – Behavior (observable and measurable action)
C – Consequence (events that follow a behavior)

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Center Based Treatment

Even though we provide services in the home and community, our services provide a one-to-one ratio in an environment that promotes generalization in your child. Behavior Analysts work onsite supervising and mentoring staff to maximize progress. Our center-based model allows you to work or run errands while knowing your child is safe and learning valuable skills at one of our treatment centers.

We schedule parent/guardian training every 3rd Saturday to make it convenient for you. 

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Home School

In Home Behavioral Services

The goal of In-Home Behavioral Services is to train parents, caregivers, and family members to implement strategies that will help them prevent and manage their child's problem behaviors at home and in the community.

Ours kiddos also receive coaching and support on how to implement these individualized interventions. In order for families to qualify for services, your child must be under the age of 21. 

In-home Behavioral Services include:

  • A Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) 

  • An individualized Behavior Support Plan (BSP)

  • Coaching and support for the child's family/caregiver to implement the BSP

  • Monitoring of the BSP to determine its effectiveness

  • Coordination of care with other providers

Services are based on principles of applied behavior analysis (ABA) and behavioral parent training and provided by Making Waves Autism Center skilled in understanding and treating challenging behaviors.

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Tips for parents

·        Learn as much as possible about autism spectrum disorder
·        Provide consistent structure and routine
·        Connect with other parents of children with autism
·        Seek professional help for specific concerns
·        Take time for yourself and other family members

Having a child with autism affects the whole family. It can be stressful, time-consuming and expensive. Paying attention to the physical and emotional health of the whole family is important. Many national and local advocacy organizations provide information, resources and support to individuals with autism spectrum disorder and their families.

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Meet The Team

The team members at Making Waves Autism Center are made up of experienced and dedicated BCBA's from a wide variety of disciplines and backgrounds. What unites them is an undying passion for learning and discovery. Meet them below.

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Undrea Cato-Steele

Undrea Cato-Steele received her Master's Degree in Elementary Education with a concentration in Applied Behavior Analysis for Populations with Autism. She began her career in ABA over 10 years ago at a small school for children with Autism and other developmental disabilities.  She later went on to work with adults with developmental disabilities as an Assistant Clinical Director.  Undrea specializes in providing ABA treatment to families and individuals with Autism, developmental disabilities, and mental health. "The best part about being in this field is knowing that I am making an impactful and positive change in someone's life.  I wake up every morning grateful for the opportunity to provide a better quality of life for my families." 

Her interests include traveling, photography, and enjoying the sunsets in Los Angeles.

Contact Making Waves Autism Center

Thank you for your interest in Making Waves Autism Center. Get in touch with us for any questions or comments regarding our center and services.
We are open
M-F 9am-8pm
Closed Sat-Sun
Except every 3rd Saturday for Parent training from 12pm-3pm

3531 E Russell Rd. Ste. A


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Helpful Information

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Is ABA covered by insurance?

MWAC has a dedicated intake team who can help you navigate the terms of your insurance policy. Your type of plan determines which health benefits may be available to you.

The State of Nevada has a specific autism mandate, which requires certain insurers to provide coverage for autism spectrum disorder. This mandates require all health care service plans contract that provides hospital, medical, or surgical coverage to provide coverage for behavioral health treatment for pervasive developmental disorder or autism no later than July 1, 2012.

Treatments include professional services and treatment, including applied behavior analysis and evidence-based behavior interventions programs, which includes speech-language pathology and audiology.

Why does ABA Work?

There is over 30 years of research that has demonstrated the effectiveness of ABA in regards to ASD. Children who receive early, intensive behavioral intervention (EIBI) have demonstrated positive improvements in their development. Areas of improvement typically include communication, socialization, following instructions, daily living skills, etc.

How much therapy is needed

During the assessment process, a trained clinician from MWAC will determine a plan for how many hours of therapy is recommended for your child to make progress.

In 2001, the National Research Council Report recommends a minimum of 25 hours per week.

In 2007, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends 20 hours or more of active engagement in evidence-based intervention. We offer flexible scheduling and do our best to accommodate what works best for each family.

How are In-Home Behavioral Services different from Discrete Trial Training?

Both In-Home Behavioral Services (IHBS) and Discrete Trial Training (DTT) involve the use of ABA principles. DTT is an application of ABA used to teach young people with developmental disabilities basic skills, including communication and academic skills.

In a DTT program, a therapist works directly, 1:1, with the youth to teach skills. With IHBS, a registered behavioral therapist works with a youth’s parents or caregivers to develop strategies to decrease problem behaviors in the home. The therapist will then teach the child’s parent or caregiver how to use these strategies, through modeling and coaching. With IHBS, the focus is on training parents to use effective behavior support strategies.

How can a family prepare for services?

Families should consider the intensity of In-Home Behavioral Services and prepare to have individuals in their home frequently during the initial assessment and implementation of the plan. Families are expected to be active participants and implement the plan with support from the behavioral therapist. Families will be asked to collect data so the success of the plan can be monitored and evaluated.


Available Positions

Making Waves Autism Center is comprised of an interdisciplinary team and is looking for Registered Behavior Technicians from a variety of backgrounds to fill several open positions. Please see the list of positions below and get in touch to apply.

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Child at Psychologist

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